Consulting in the Pacific. The Sequel.

Everybody loves a good sequel. There was such an overwhelming response, including many kind words, from readers of my earlier post on Being a Consultant in the Pacific and I'm indeed humbled that my experiences have been so useful for others. Ever since releasing that post 2 weeks ago several things have been at the... Continue Reading →

From the land of Iakwe

[Iakwe (or Yokwe) is a greeting in Marshallese] With 5.5 hours in 3 different aeroplanes travelling from Majuro in the Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI) back home to Suva for what will take just under 12 hours altogether I figured I'd do some writing. The Marshall Islands has always been one of my favourite places... Continue Reading →

Need for an Information Culture

So, my first post was well read and shared with a lot of encouragement to continue writing. Who would've thought, eh?  Certainly not me. Over the last couple of days I've been reflecting on some of my first impressions when I started traveling the region for FFA on the fisheries data and information crusade about 5... Continue Reading →

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